Hemp Flower vs. CBD Flower: What are the Differences ?

Hemp Flower vs. CBD Flower: What are the Differences ?

With several variants of Cannabinoids being available, newer CBD enthusiasts are bound to get lost in the different types and variants of CBD flowers available around them today.

Hemp and CBD flowers are also two primary types that are quite similar in their characteristics, which can also be another reason why they are largely used interchangeably. But some features differentiate them from one another.

Key Takeaways

  • Hemp flowers are versatile and suitable for industrial and wellness applications.

  • CBD flower is explicitly bred for therapeutic benefits and has a high CBD content.

  • Knowing your purpose helps you choose the right flower for your needs.

What is a Hemp Flower?

Hemp flowers are the unprocessed form of the hemp plant, where the flower is harvested. Sometimes, it is cultivated and grown for industrial and medical purposes, and other times for leisure and relaxation.

The hemp flower has a very low concentration of THC, which is psychotropic and is a relative of the cannabis family. As has been found out by federal law, it contains low levels of THC, and for this reason, it has been declared legal in many states. This factor makes its availability easy across several states.

Characteristics of Hemp Flower

Hemp flowers contain negligible levels of THC, and most of these flowers contain 0.3% THC at most. These hemp flowers also contain very high levels of terpenes, hence the taste and smell associated with them.

Hemp flowers have several applications, such as oil, ointment, or orally ingested. This makes it easier to use as per its desired application.

What is CBD Flower?

CBD flower is the cannabis flower that has been developed for high Cannabidiol (CBD) content and low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. The plant looks like marijuana and has a similar smell but has little to moderate psychoactivity.

Characteristics of CBD Flower

CBD flower has low THC levels, usually between 0.3%, while it contains CBD that can go as low as 10% and a high of 20%, made purposely for medicinal purposes.

CBD Flower contains no more than 0.3% of THC, which is also the legal limit.

The CBD Flower is cultivated and applied as a highly effective anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and anti-pain medicine. It arrives more or less in the unchanged form of THC.

It is used mainly by people who smoke it in a joint or use a vaporizer for the simultaneous CBD uptake into the circulatory system.

Key Differences Between CBD Flower and Hemp Flower

While closely related, hemp and CBD flowers have distinct characteristics that set them apart. These differences influence their cultivation, usage, and perception. Here is a comparison:

Purpose and Usage

The Hemp Flower is used particularly by those who take it in a joint or use the vaporizer for the combined CBD intake into the bloodstream. The hemp flower is best and has been extensively utilized for cannabinoids and cultivation purposes. Also, hemp flowers manufacture textiles, paper, and even food. It is also used mainly to grow industrial hemp and to extract hemp seed oil, protein, and fiber to produce other health-enhancing products.

The CBD Flower is grown in a manner that the levels of cannabidiol are extremely high and for this reason, it is mostly used for medicinal purposes. It is applied in oils and tinctures, capsule form as well as for smoking to help calm the nerves and relieve pain.

Cannabinoid Profiles

The hemp flower contains other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, and several more in addition to having the THC content, which should be below 0.3%. It is most often used in full-spectrum products for the entourage effect in which different cannabinoids provide better results when combined.

The CBD Flower is generally formulated to contain CBD in a much higher amount, for example, over 10%–20%, while containing very little other cannabinoids, or THC. This specific endocannabinoid blend is designed to provide specific medicinal benefits.

Appearance and Smell

The Hemp Flower is generally less polished in terms of their appearance and are comparatively lighter and airy compared to CBD flowers and typically do not comprise the dense bud formation. It has a lower terpene production resulting in a lighter scent, which may be earthy or grass-like.

The CBD Flower looks quite like marijuana, CBD flower has tightly packed, sticky buds with layers of trichomes. It has a higher odor profile and is typically fruity or skunky due to the presence of terpenes.

Legal Differences

CBD flower and hemp flower are legal in the United States so long as they come from industrial hemp and do not exceed 0.3% THC per dry weight.

It must be noted that while CBD Flower is legal, it can sometimes cause confusion to law enforcement because it is very much like Marijuana in both looks and smell.

How to Choose Between CBD Flower and Hemp Flower?

When to opt for hemp flower, and when for the CBD flower all depends on your personal requirements and preferences. Here is a detailed guide to help you make the right decision:

For Recreation and Healing Purposes

Choose CBD Flower. CBD flower is recommended for relaxing, stress relief, or targeting certain health issues like pain or inflammation. At the same time, pre-roll is ideal for those who want to take a break from their hectic lifestyles, to manage anxiety, or any other mental health disorder.

The high Cannabidiol CBD level provides the desired therapeutic impact in this aspect due to the added advantage of helping one manage stress.

For Versatile Applications

Choose Hemp Flower. If you want a versatile single product, hemp flower is more versatile. It can be smoked for mild relaxation, ingested to create homemade oils and lotions, or employed in the preparation of food products.

The versatile cannabinoid profile and the numerous applications in the industry make it versatile.

To Ensure Legal Clarity And Convenience

Choose Hemp Flower. Where more severe restrictions or appearance are likely to pose a problem, hemp flower is preferable. Due to their lighter scent and lower density, it is not easily associated with marijuana by the police or anyone else.


Hemp flowers and CBD flowers cater to different needs and preferences. Whether seeking therapeutic benefits or versatile usage, understanding their differences ensures a better choice. Explore our CBD store’s range of hemp and CBD products to find what suits you best.

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