cbd dog

Soothe your dog's anxiety with CBD: Find out how!

If your dog is exhibiting abnormal behavior, he may be suffering from anxiety. CBD may be a good solution to help your dog relax. Anxiety in dogs can sometimes be a real ordeal for both owner and pet. Mama explains it all! Why and how to relieve your dog's anxiety with CBD.

What is anxiety in dogs? 

Anxiety in animals, as in humans, is triggered by the anticipation of real or imagined danger. It can be temporary or constant. Several reasons for a dog's anxiety:

  • Loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks, construction work); 
  • Meetings with strangers ; 
  • Trauma (travel, separation ; 
  • Modification of the environment ; 
  • Anxiety-provoking situations (vet visits, abuse, abandonment); 
  • A new presence (child, conspecific); 
  • Or an exaggerated fear of separation from his master.  

Once the body is in a state of emergency, it produces stress-related hormones: adrenalin and cortisol. In addition to the common acceleration of the heart rate, anxiety will trigger other manifestations that differ from one animal to another.  

Sometimes, these problems can become a living hell, making it difficult for your dog and owner to live together. Your companion's anxiety can take many forms:

  • Defensive behaviors: immobility, avoidance, withdrawal, flight, aggression. 
  • Incessant barking, constant contact-seeking. 
  • Gasps, hypersalivation, trembling, low posture, ears pulled back, yawning, intense licking. 
  • Increased vigilance: constant monitoring, startle, inability to relax, sleep disturbances. 
  • Constant motor activity (back and forth) ; 
  • Difficult or disturbed eating ; 
  • Uncleanliness ; 
  • Destruction of objects and aggression ; 
  • Digestive disorders: vomiting, diarrhea. 

CBD could be a natural solution for anxious dogs 

CBD could be a good natural solution for anxious dogs. This substance acts positively on the animal's endocannabinoid system. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system that allows them to interact with CBD molecules. Discover our CBD collection for animals here.

This system ensures complete absorption of CBD and consequently positive effects on the animal's body. According to the WHO, it is a method of phytotherapy (care through plants) that does not present any serious side effects or risk of addiction.

CBD may soothe the production of stress hormones and stimulate those of well-being, namely: oxytocin, endorphin, dopamine and serotonin. These glands will spread throughout the body on contact with CBD.

This willsoothe the animal's nervous systemand promote a lasting state of well-being. Stress can also lead to physical ailments, particularly pain. Through its analgesic action, CBD can relieve your pet's physical discomforts.

Numerous opinions from owners explain their experience with CBD on their dogs. And the majority of reviews are positive. And more and more vets are accompanying their four-legged patients with CBD.

How to properly administer CBD to an anxious dog 

As you can see, CBD could be a good option for relieve your dog's anxiety. He'll be able to calm down and relax more easily. You'll need to follow a few guidelines administer CBD to your dog.

Mama offers you CBD oil, but there are also other alternatives such as kibbles, treats and capsules. CBD oil for dogs is a fast-absorbing product. It's the most potent of all CBD for dogs. 

CBD oil comes with a pipette that allows the cannabidiol to be taken directly into the mouth. As a result, the molecule the molecule is absorbed by the buccal mucosa and acts rapidly. It can also be incorporated into food.

To choose the right oil, simply take your dog's weight into account. Mama offers two concentrations: 5% and 10%. You can use a weaker oil for a small dog and a stronger one for a medium to large dog.  

A calculation will be necessary to determine the number of drops to administer. Cannabidiol may take effect a few days after daily administration. This is particularly true for dogs with high anxiety levels. 

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