cbd sport

Integrating CBD into your sporting practice: what's the point?

CBD and sport ? You may find this surprising, but it seems that combining sports with CBD consumption can have very good effects. Does that surprise you? These days, the legality of this practice is also in favor of the well-being of athletes. I'll tell you all about it!

What do athletes think are the benefits of CBD?

CBD is first and foremost a molecule that interacts with the human brain. In particular, certain receptors (among others) are responsible for managing pain and inflammation. How do you think this can benefit sporting activities?

Initially, athletes describe a certain encouragement prior to competition.Improved concentration and reduced stress encourage risk-taking, enabling athletes to be at their best.

The rest of the effects are felt at the end of the competition. Muscle aches and pains, such as cramps and aches , seem to be reduced .

It is also thought to speed up the healing of injuries and improve muscle recovery. Not to mentionimproved sleep quality, which in itself helps to keep you in better physical and mental shape.

What's the best way to consume CBD for athletes?

CBD can be consumed in many different forms, and I know you're familiar with a number of them. But which are the most effective for athletes?

Capsules and oil

First of all, CBD can be considered as a dietary supplement. You can consume it in capsule form, or in its classic form , oil.

Simply place a few drops daily and let them melt under the tongue, and you're ready to go. Athletes can, with their doctor's recommendations, use it just before and just after their sporting performance. This allows them to keep pain to a minimum.

You can find more info on CBD oil for sports here.

Local application

Another effective way to use CBD is topically. Particularly after a competition, or on a weakened part of the body.

CBD-based creams and balms are available. This is a quick and effective way to alleviate pain before or after intense training. Simply apply the cream to the site of pain, and it acts as a painkiller in the same way as many other products of this type on the pharmaceutical market.

What about sports legislation?

You certainly need to ask yourself about legislation, after all, CBD is THC's replacement.

Numerous reports have demonstrated the effects of CBD on athletes' sports recovery. This is why, on January 1, 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from the list of doping products.

Of course, you must remember that some CBD products do contain a small amount of THC (less than 0.3%). In fact, the only CBD-based products that can be consumed by athletes in competition must contain no trace of THC.

You'll be delighted to know that the first high-profile global competition to allow CBD consumption was the World Cup, which took place in 2018 in Russia.

Consumption of CBD prior to sporting activity seems to promote concentration and recoveryThis is why so many athletes adopt it to improve their performance. And this applies to all sports. Whether it's ball, combat, water, winter or any other sport, all athletes can benefit. Maybe you can too!
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