Understanding the bioavailability of CBD oil

Understanding the bioavailability of CBD oil

Bioavailability is a term used in pharmacology to describe the power of a molecule to be absorbed by the body. As it turns out, CBD oil is extremely bioavailable to the human organism. Mama gives you all the explanations you need to understand the bioavailability of CBD oil. And how it works, so you can consume CBD oil in an enlightened way.

What is CBD bioavailability?

The bioavailability of a molecule is defined according to two characteristics: the speed at which the molecule reaches the bloodstream. And the second criterion corresponds to the concentration actually assimilated by the body in relation to the dose administered.

Studying the bioavailability of CBD oil enables us to understand in greater detail how the molecule works, and to measure its effects. Studies have confirmed the bioavailability of CBD to the human body.

But it's important to bear in mind that this notion varies according to a number of criteria, not least the route of administration. In fact, CBD will be more or less effective depending on how it is consumed .

For example, an oil administered sublingually (under the tongue) will be more rapidly effective than one dispersed in a drink, and therefore ingested. This is simply because the glands under the tongue allow the oil to enter the bloodstream directly.

When ingested, however, it must undergo the common trajectory of digestion before being truly absorbed by the intestine (the organ that enables the absorption of all nutrients and other swallowed substances).

Obviously, CBD concentration and spectrum will play a decisive role in the oil's bioavailability and consequently its effectiveness. For example,full spectrum CBD oil may offer different effects.

Bioavailability of CBD oil according to consumption method

Bioavailability is more or less potent, depending on the method of consumption.CBD oil can be infused in a hot beverage and thus consumed orally. Alternatively, it can be taken sublingually under the tongue. It can also be applied cutaneously (to the skin).

By ingestion

When CBD oil is taken orally, in the form of a drink or capsule, CBD has a low bioavailability. According to studies, it is around 8% of the quantity ingested.

This is because CBD molecules have to pass through a large part of the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream from the intestine.


The most effective route would be sublingual. The same applies to all medications. As a general rule, a molecule ingested under the tongue would be much more effective. The glands under the tongue allow the drug to reach the bloodstream directly.

This gives it greater absorption, faster efficacy and longer-lasting effects. Sublingual CBD oil can act up to 6 hours after intake.


This method can be effective provided it isapplied locally. That is, on the painful area. The oil will penetrate the various layers of the epidermis and reach the bloodstream. This method is not suitable for all problems.

Is CBD oil the most bioavailable product?     

Mama Kana offers you a wide choice of CBD products. The catalog features a wide variety of CBD flowers and resins. But also e-liquids and candies. But sublingual CBD oil is one of the most bioavailable and therefore most effective products.

The oil is suitable for all profiles. It allows people who don't wish to inhale flowers or consume resin in any way to have an effective solution on hand.

Our inexpensive CBD oils are made from natural, organic hemp at America . So you can have a practical solution adapted to your needs. Mama urges you to consume CBD oil under the tongue, even if sometimes the taste of hemp is not appreciated by everyone.

This method is not new: it has been used for years in pharmacopoeia, and many drugs are also taken sublingually.

CBD oil is one of the most bioavailable products, but inhaled flower is also a good solution. It's up to you to choose what suits you best.
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