How to use CBD infusion sticks?

How to use CBD infusion sticks?

The infusion stick is a pre-rolled cone of pure CBD. This method allows you to adapt your consumption to make tasty, relaxing herbal teas. Mama will give you all the advice you need on how to use your infusion stick.

CBD pre-rolls for who?

CBD pre rolls are a perfect way to get started with CBD. Not least because herbal tea is an effective, gentle option for relaxation. You'll experience mild, gradual effects as you sip your drink. However, the intensity of the relaxation will depend on the amount of CBD infused.

The infuser stick also gives you the precise dose you need to make liters of drinks in advance. No need for scales! The stick contains a precise dose of CBD, giving you exact control over quantities.

The whole point of the pre-roll is its practicality and speed of use. There's no need to use grinder equipment - everything's ready to go! All you have to do is brew.

The benefits of CBD infusion sticks

Infused CBD sticks offer several advantages:

  • Ease of use: they are simple to use and require no complicated preparation. Simply open and plunge into hot water for a quick infusion.
  • Discretion: unlike other forms of CBD consumption, infuser sticks are discreet and can be used almost anywhere without attracting attention.
  • Efficient absorption: infusion allows CBD to be rapidly absorbed by the body, with long-lasting effects.
  • Versatility: sticks can be customized to your favorite herbal tea recipe. This will enhance your taste experience. You can add whatever you like to CBD, and when combined with herbs like chamomile or lavender, your drink will be even more relaxing.
  • Controlled dosage: infusion sticks allow precise control of the dose of CBD consumed, which is particularly useful for beginners.
  • Suitable mode of consumption: infusion is an attractive option for consumers looking to incorporate CBD into their wellness routine.

Infusion recipe idea to relax with CBD

These recipes combine the benefits of CBD with natural ingredients known for their relaxing properties. They'll let you enjoy a light, tasty moment of relaxation.

For every CBD-infused drink, remember to add a touch of fat, such as coconut or olive oil, and milk to suit your taste. Cannabinoids are not water-soluble, but fat-soluble. This means they are active when in contact with lipids (fats). Alternatively, read our article on how to make a CBD flower infusion.

Mint-lemon CBD infusion

You'll need: 1 CBD infusion stick, 1 cup of hot water, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 slice of lemon, 1 dash of coconut or olive oil and a few fresh or dried mint leaves.

To make the infusion, heat the water until almost boiling, around 80 degrees, no higher. Place half an infuser stick and the mint in a filter or tea ball.

Pour the hot water over it, add the lemon slice and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Enjoy this warm, soothing drink, ideal for relaxing at the end of the day.

Cold CBD infusion with red berries

The red fruit infusion requires fruit that has been deep-frozen, so that you can enjoy its juices while defrosting. You can start by infusing a stick in hot water.

For a liter of drink, you can use the whole stick. Leave to infuse for 30 min, then filter the water. Once at room temperature, add the berries. You can crush them a little or defrost them a few hours beforehand.

Place your drink in the fridge. Cold infusion is like drinking iced tea during the day. But it's best to limit yourself to a single glass and consume a little at a time.

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