Taking CBD and melatonin together: what are the benefits?

Taking CBD and melatonin together: what are the benefits?

You've probably already heard of melatonin, the sleep hormone as it's commonly known. Today, many people suffer from sleep disorders. It would seem that the combination of melatonin and CBD is a very interesting solution for better sleep.

What is melatonin?

How melatonin works

It's a hormone produced naturally by our body, synthesized from serotonin, a neurotransmitter important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its soporific action helps us fall asleep . It regulates the various sleep and wake cycles. Its activity is known as "chronobiotic", meaning that it helps synchronize our biological clock with the circadian rhythm, the 24-hour cycle that governs sleep and eating processes.

Throughout the day, our body secretes melatonin in small quantities. At the end of the day, melatonin production increases as light decreases. The signal is pretty clear: let's go to bed! Peak production occurs around 3 or 4 a.m.. Production then falls progressively, to wake up our organism.

Synthetic melatonin: positive and undesirable effects

Doctors also prescribe synthetic melatonin, chemically identical to that produced naturally by our bodies, to combat sleep disorders: insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, jet lag, sleep cycle disorders... 

One of the disadvantages of melatonin is its rapid elimination by the body (on average within 30 minutes). As with any dietary supplement, some people may experience undesirable side effects. The Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES) has received reports of dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, headaches, neurological disorders (tremors), nausea, vomiting...

Don't hesitate to ask your doctor for advice before taking melatonin, especially if you're already on medication. Melatonin is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, children or people suffering from auto-immune or inflammatory diseases.

What are the effects of CBD on sleep?

You're probably familiar with CBD, the non-psychotropic, non-addictive cannabinoid from the hemp plant. But do you know about its many potential effects, induced by the interaction between the CBD molecule and the endocannabinoid system?

This molecule is often referred to as a natural anti-stress agent. Thanks to its relaxing action, CBD could well help combat stress and anxiety. Muscular and mental relaxation, night-time anxiety is reduced.

CBD is commonly promoted as a painkiller, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, which has been the subject of animal studies.

Can CBD help with insomnia or sleep deprivation? By reducing anxiety and relieving pain, CBD could help you sleep and combat insomnia. Cannabidiol also regulates mood and the sleep-wake cycle, via receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin.

What are the advantages of combining the two?

Cannabidiol and melatonin combination

Now you know a little more about melatonin and the effects of CBD. I suppose you're wondering if there's any point in combining the two? The answer is yes, and it makes sense to combine the two to combat sleep problems.

In concrete terms, here's what's going to happen, because these two molecules act in different ways. First, CBD will relax you. Your body will be ready for a restful night's sleep. Melatonin, on the other hand, will regulate the rhythm of your sleep and, above all, help you to fall asleep quickly.

To put it another way, melatonin stimulates a state of fatigue, but has no effect on stress or anxiety. CBD, on the other hand, induces a state of relaxation and soothing, which helps you sleep better after the effect of melatonin. The combination of the two results in deep, restorative sleep .

How can I benefit from the combined effects of CBD and melatonin?

To enjoy quality sleep thanks to CBD and melatonin, you need to choose products that combine the two. There are CBD melatonin capsules, which you can take as a cure, for example for 30 days, one capsule every night. You can also find gummies combining the two, capsules, oils... Oils come in dropper bottles for precise dosage. Simply slip a few drops under the tongue before bedtime.

At Mama Kana, I recommend theCBD melatonin oil sleep oil. This full spectrum oil aims to reduce stress and anxiety, providing deep relaxation. Do you want to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly? Wake up revitalized the next day!

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