When should you eat CBD candy?

When should you eat CBD candy?

Mama Kana explains how and when to consume CBD candies. Get all the advice you need to enjoy CBD candy and relax. Candy is a great alternative, but when can you take it? Here's all the guidance you need to find the right wellness solution for you.

The potential benefits of CBD candies

Candies have benefits that address a wide range of issues. You can choose to take a CBD candy to relieve stress, aches and pains, improve your sleep or curb your cravings.

Our CBD candies are infused with Full Spectrum CBD oil to ensure optimum effectiveness. In fact, this type of spectrum is the most complete, presenting all the active molecules of hemp in different concentrations.

Mama's CBD candies are also low in THC. In this way, Full spectrum candies will be able to interact more effectively and intensively on symptom reduction.

The potential benefits of candy are the same as CBD oil or flower infusions. They'll not only help you deal with everyday stress, but also reduce inflammation in the body.

In fact, they could also relieve temporary or chronic pain associated with autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis and Lupus...

What's more, CBD candies can support you if you're experiencing difficulty sleeping. Whatever the reason for your problem, CBD candies could be an excellent alternative toimprove your well-being.

When should you use CBD candy?     

CBD candies can be taken at any time of day. Their low concentration is suitable for people who need immediate relief. If you stick to the prescribed dose, there's little chance of drowsiness after taking a candy.

The result is a gradual, gentle relaxation throughout the day. What's more, cannabidiol can have a stimulating effect, helping you to regain your motivation.

It's also a good pain-reliever, with a candy every 6 hours providing relief. For intense, chronic pain, it may be necessary to supplement with CBD oil to intensify relief.

In any case, CBD candy goes unnoticed by those around you and can accompany you all day long. Whether you're at work, at school or on a trip, these treats can be adapted to your needs.

Tips for eating CBD candy properly

Mama gives you all the tips you need to enjoy CBD candy. First, check the concentration in the candy to find out the daily dose.

For example, Mama's candies are extremely potent at 30 mg of CBD, which is equivalent to two drops of 30% CBD oil. The recommended dose is 50 mg per day. You can adapt it to your needs.

These candies are very powerful, so you can take 1 half in the morning and a whole one in the evening. Or eat half by half throughout the day. Test the first dose at home to see what effect it has on your body.

Sweets are not like other sweets, and I advise you to respect the dose and not to abuse them. You are also strongly advised to consult a doctor before consuming cannabinoids.

Mama Kana offers its own range of CBD candies

The Mama Kana candy range has an unusual feature. Its composition gives it unrivalled potency. Not only is the CBD concentration equal to 30 mg, but it also contains CBG and THC.

These are Full Spectrum products, a choice that I have carefully studied alongside hemp experts in order to offer powerful and effective products.

In the store's catalog, you'll find 3 different flavours: watermelon, raspberry and mint, to satisfy as many tastes as possible.

These delicacies are presented as sugar-coated gummies, in an airtight pack for longer storage. Test Mama's candies and leave a comment on the site.
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